Next Steps

Are you new to Cherokee Hills Christian Church and want to learn more about our church family? Or have you been attending Cherokee Hills Christian Church for awhile and you’re wanting to get more involved? We want to help you take the next steps in your spiritual journey. 


Being involved at Cherokee Hills Christian Church means more than attending a service or showing up at an event. It means being engaged in building real, Christ-honoring relationships with other people. It means investing in a big way by serving on a ministry team that brings the love of God forward to all who call this place their church home. And it means carrying that love beyond our walls by serving our community.

Joining a ministry team is the simplest and most direct way to be all-in with the mission of Cherokee Hils Christian Church. Fill out the form below to get involved today!

I'd like to talk about serving!


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Student Ministry

From leading a D-Group to preparing meals and snacks on Wednesday nights to attending a getaway event as a leader, there are plenty of ways to volunteer your time and efforts within our Student Ministry.

Children’s Ministry

From leading a small group to running sound and video for worship, there are plenty of ways to volunteer your time and efforts within our Children’s Ministry.

Impact Ministry

Mobilizing God’s people to embody biblical justice in our community and around the world

Creative Arts

We are always looking to add more people to our Creative Arts team, so if you are a musician, vocalist, technician or artist of any kind, contact us today!

Guest Services

From door greeters, bulletin hosts, ushers, parking attendants and communion servers, Guest Services provides a welcoming and worshipful experience. Would you like to join our team?

Pastoral Care

Building one-on-one relationships with those who are hurting to help them get through confusion, stress or loneliness.


Our membership class is where we delve deeper into our core beliefs and what we are all about. This is the place to begin if you are interested in becoming connected at CHCC!

Membership Class

This is your opportunity to learn more about Cherokee Hills, about Salvation and how to become a part of the CHCC family.  

I would like to attend the next class!

Will you need Childcare? (Birth-5th)

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Spiritual Growth

Discipleship is spiritual maturing process that happens when we being to discover completeness in Jesus. Discipleship is at the heart of everything that we do. As you look for ways to deepen your faith and expand your understanding of God, some of these steps might be your next step. Let us know how we can help guide you through this process and walk the journey with you.

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